About Me

Hi, I am Andres, a software developer who works with technologies to turn ideas into reality through the use of code. I like to learn new skills, master technologies and to think about solving problems. I believe sharing knowledge, giving your opinion and listening to others is important to learn and grow.

I also contributed to open source projects via Github.
You can get more information about my work experience on my resume.


Daily Quote API

This API allows developers to build features and functionality that incorporate quotes dynamically.




Wheather API

This API allows developers to build an Weather APP without having to maintain their own data sources.


Check the weather

_ °C
_ _
_, _
_ °C

Feels like




Task Bot API

This API will provide suggestions about activities to do during your free time.


Fun Task To Do

Tech Stack

HTML CSS Javascript Node JS React
Chakra UI Tailwind CSS Git Github nextjs APIS Rest Figma JSON Vitest Mongo DB


Budget Planner

Budget Planner

Easy app to make and plan any kind of budget, from travel to daily expenses.

Check it Out

Shopping List

Shopping List

Create shopping lists, to-do lists, take notes or set reminders to increase your productivity.

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Markdown Editor

Markdown editors are simple and user-friendly text-to-HTML conversion tools for web content writers.

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Get In Touch With Me

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